M -Momentum
Momentum Do you let money control how you move forward with your goals and dreams?
You may think what does money have to do with me moving forward with my dreams and goals…huh? Well have you wanted to take a class or attend a seminar and said “ I don’t have the money for that”. “It just costs too much”….
That is a perfect example of letting Money control your goals and dreams.
Possibly that class, seminar, webinar, course was just the ticket to the NEXT thing you were destined to accomplish. Listen to your intuition, (your GUT) and don’t be so quick to judge.
The next part is not to always listen to what others say, your family, friends, co-workers, and so on. Your family may be trying to do what is in your BEST interest but they do not know what you were destined to accomplish. I am saying not to just totally ignore what others say, No but GO deep and listen to (your GUT} and your HEART and acknowledge would this course, class, seminar or whatever move your CLOSER to YOUR GOALS….not anyone else’s.
I really wanted to join a Mastermind that was very, very expensive, and I actually prayed on it for a day or so and asked my spouse and everything was a GO; then when the mastermind ended, and I did not get out of it what my husband thought I should it was such a different song. I did get a lot out the mastermind, and I would do it again if I had the chance.
I do not know where all my knowledge, experiences and adventures will end up but I do know that I had the experiences and adventures and no one can take that away from me
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Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash
Momentum Do you let money control how you move forward with your goals and dreams?
Observe -How you talk about money to yourself and others.
NkNow -Do you know your relationship with money?
Eexcitement -Do you get excited when you find some change in the couch, get an unexpected check in the mail or get a good deal at the store?
YWhy -Do you know why you feel the way about money?
Money is nothing more than energy, it is a tool we have decided to use here on Earth as a means to purchase items, invest, use for shelter, food, and safety.
We do not really need money, we could barter for our goods and services. Truthfully we only need the basics, shelter, food, clothes, and safety.
Many people have let money control them and also determine their worth. They are never happy with what they were able to acquire with their money and feel they do not have enough. “Enough” is determined by what you feel you need to be happy? Many Rich people are very happy with only having the essentials i.e. home, car, clothes, safety and some fun. They live in modest homes, drive older cars, wear clothes from local neighborhood stores and do not eat out a lot or go to fancy places for eating or entertainment.
Have you ever considered how much money has done for you that you took for granted?
Watch for the next series of MONEY talks coming soon.
If you would like a free copy of my checklist on how to set goals and have momentum, just email me at and I will send it to you directly.