
Being in the Present Moment is the Best Stress Reliever in the World
Happy Holidays!
Here is a quick stress relieving tip
As we rush around getting our last minute gifts, wrapping presents, planning meals, driving to visit a loved one, and even dealing with lots and lots of snowy and icy weather.
Take a moment, Stop and be Present
Take a deep breathe and be grateful for what you have.
Close your eyes and remember a time when you were relaxed and everything was in harmony. Maybe see yourself sitting in a hammock or lounge chair taking a pleasant nap all is right with the world.
Don’t be like the hamster running around in his wheel going very fast and getting no where; you will only become frazzled, have unnecessary stress and you will end up exhausted and not enjoying this time for family, friends and yourself.
Spend some time being with those you love if not in person by facetime, skype, zoom or just by driving by and waving letting them know you are thinking about them.
Don’t forget to LOVE yourself also. Give yourself a big HUG everyday and stress will melt away it is a know fact that you cannot be happy and sad at the same time.

Have a joyous holiday season and be safe.