Member-only story
belief, confidence, determination, goals
The Tale of the Mouse and The Sardine Can
True Story
There I was just starting to dose off to a restful sleep after a very busy day when I hear a large thud; and I immediately jumped up and said what was that; it was the backrest of my infrared sauna and how the heck did that happen it had been sitting there for months. Then as I started to become more alert I immediately thought mouse of No it couldn’t be…well this is where is all begins…it was indeed.
The noise from the backrest falling more than likely scared the dickens out of that mouse and off it went. Needless to say for the rest of the night I did not get a wink of sleep everytime I started to drift off I heard it making noises again and again and again. I could not pinpoint where it was hiding. Finally I heard it in the closet but could not coax it out. The next day I was determined to get the bugger, and I went about coming up with a plan. You would think it is only a mouse how hard is it to put out a trap, some mouse bait and be done oh no this mouse was very smart.
That night I put out a few sticky mouse traps even put some dog food on one of them and nothing except for it keeping me awake another night.
The the next day I figured I would outsmart the little critter and put a sardine can on the sticky…